Tuesday, October 27, 2009

17 Weeks

Okay, so I know it is a little early for Halloween but I have been already been wearing my costume and taking part in costume contests. My mom's friends at Fabulous Furballs brought in matching pirate costumes for Slice and I all the way from Chicago. I quite like mine. Makes me feel all tough and strong.

This week I am finally learning to go down stairs and I have slept in the bed with mom and Slice twice.

Good times

16 Weeks

Four months! You got it, I am growing up pretty fast. For your viewing pleasure there are some photos from my 16 week photo shoot. I know, I know, I have had more pictures taken of me than most people have of their children. It is a lot of fun and I always get free treats when I get on set. I must say I do photograph well and hear lots of oohs and aaahs when folks see my pictures.

I am not just a pretty face though, I have been working very hard on learning how to do the table and down. My training has been continuing on go and out with a wicket now added in for when I get to do running contacts. I can sequence tunnel and table and have been doing distance on tunnels.

Stay tuned for the 17 week update with my Halloween costume...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

15 Weeks

On top of things now. Today is my 15 Week birthday! Woohoo! I went to see Dr. Kim today for my Rabies vaccine and another xray to make sure my leg is growing properly after the "injury". So far all clear so we can do a little more agility training. Nothing too outrageous but I probably get to play on the big tunnel now and learn how to do the table. Yippee!!!

I have discovered the toy box at home and think it is a fabulous place to play. That is me in the middle of the toy box. I know I am as big as some of the toys so it is hard to find me but that's me. Imagine my joy being surrounded by all my favorite toys with no competition from Slice. Okay that only lasted until Slice figured out I was in the toy box and kicked me out.

Other than that, life is pretty good. I have got the sleeping with Porter thing down pat. As you can see Slice takes the tail and I take the front legs.

14 Weeks

Okay, I know it has been a long time since I updated but I have been really busy growing! I apparently grown legs in my sleep. I am almost taller than Slice now! My mom said I am at my awkward stage where I have more legs than hair.

I spent the weekend at an agility trial with the family and had a sleepover at my new friend, Glide's house. I was a little shocked when we walked into the barn with all the smells and people but I quickly recovered and realized there would probably be lots of visiting and treats while I was there. I was very good and cheering for Porter and Slice when it was their turn to run. Apparently, cheering from your crate at the top of your lungs is not a good idea. Oops...

The new list of things I have learned this week...
1) Going up more than three stairs
2) Going down stairs carefully (thanks Glide)
3) Jumping onto the couch (no hiding place for Slice anymore)
4) Jumping off the couch is bad
5) "Go" and "out" in agility training is up to 8 feet
6) Surfing on the teeter is way more fun now
7) Don't swallow your chewie whole, it gets stuck in your throat and your mother screams.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

13 weeks

Growing has been at a bit of a stand still this past week. Well growing physically anyway. I have been growing in all the things I am learning though. Things I have learned this week...
1. Don't bug Porter when he is having a chewie
2. Screaming doesn't get you anything
3. Sitting nicely gets treats
4. I can work from both the right and left side of my mother when training
5. I shouldn't pull on Slice's tail
6. Uncle Target loves to play with me
7. Road trips are a blast
8. Eat my dinner when it is put down or someone will steal it
9. Pet store field trips rock!
10. Starbucks is awesome and the cups come with toys

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

12 Weeks

Yippee!!!! Three months old! Can you believe it? I have been so busy learning all kinds of new things. We started clicker training and I have learned sit, touch, stand and working on stay. I am also very excited that we have started my agility training too. I am "surfing" on the teeter which was a little scary at first but after a few sessions I kind of like hanging out on the end of that thing. I also started playing in a little tunnel from IKEA. The big tunnels are too big for me right now with my leg healing so the IKEA tunnels are flatter and I can run right through without worrying where my feet are in the ribs. Tomorrow I am going to learn "out" and "go" I am told. I also got to celebrate my 3 month b-day with a dip in the pool. Can' t say I cared for it much but I did feel refreshed when I was done. Porter said he felt sorry for me because I looked like a drowned rat.

I also had my first photo shoot this week. Apparently there will be lots of these as I grow up. Christmas being the next one. Anyway, this is the fall installment.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

11 weeks

Well I have survived from week 10 to week 11. The bandages are now off and things look good. A few more x-rays just to be sure in the coming weeks but for now I am as good as new.

Over the past week I have sucked all the attention I could out of the bandage. Slice let me sleep close to her on the dog bed. We really are good buddies she just doesn't
like that I squirm around so much.

My mom keeps saying small minds are amused by small things, she always says that when I am playing in my favorite spot in the office. There is this little basket of "stuff" that I find great amusement in. I don't chew anything in it just roll around on the crinkly newspaper. Seems fun to me.

Before my vet appointment yesterday, mom caught us all sleeping together on Porter's bed. Don't we make a cute family?

I wasn't feeling so good after my vaccinations yesterday but feel much better today. Uncle Sully came for a visit when dropping Indi off at the daycare. Slice gets so excited when he comes that I got in on the action today too. At first I was a little cautious but soon followed the leader and played tug with his leash and participated in the eye ball cleaning ritual. Poor Sully. Good times for me!

Okay busy weekend of doing nothing coming up. We will see what photos we can snap to keep you entertained.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

10 weeks

Today is my 10 week birthday and boy has it been a busy week to get here!

Now that I have more co-ordination my racing around and wrestling techniques are being perfected! I think I have that Slice all figured out too. She likes to taunt me with her toys and chewies and then when I try to take them or tug with her she growls at me and jumps up on the couch where I can't go. It is so funny because I fall for her trick and then mom takes Slice's toy away for not being very nice. Something must be working because we played tug for almost an hour the other day. As long as Slice doesn't have to share anything she loves me and we play for hours and hours.

So life was moving along smoothly and I was really enjoying the nice weather and running in the yard with Slice. THere is lots of room to open up and go wild. The other day Porter decided he would play with us too. Mom pulled me out so Slice and Porter could play and we were playing with a ball. I was bringing the ball back when I got distracted and wandered into the running path. Porter tried to jump over me to avoid trampling me but he misjudged his take off and stepped on my paw with his toes. As you can imagine I let out an aweful howling scream. After a visit to the vet, an x-ray and some vet wrap I am back in business. Dr. Kim, Dr. Joel and Dr. Kathy said I was a very good patient for such a young lad. When all the bandaging was done the girls in the clinic showered me with kisses and hugs and mom stuffed me full of treats. Really it isn't that bad but the attention was awesome! The prognosis is good and I will be free as a bird in a week. In the mean time, I am now know as Captain Pint, Peg Leg Pint or Captain Peg Leg depending on who you are talking to. I don't have to wear the cone all the time just when no one is watching as I like to chew at it. All this when I was jsut learning to do the stairs!

As you can see from the photos I am getting around really good. I have even adapted to using my cast as a weapon when playing with Slice. Hee hee

Sleeping isn't as bad as it looks. The air collar makes quite a nice pillow!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

9 weeks old

Yesterday was my 9 week birthday. While I have travelled alot and been to a lot of new places the most fun I have had is playing with my big sister, Slice. Porter has tried to join in on the play time but I am kind of worried when he starts racing around. Mom makes him settle while Slice and I play. I am getting pretty brave around him but those huge paws might trample me.

Apparently, I am growing fast and will soon be bigger than Slice. I will be Pint and she will be Half Pint! You can see from these pictures how fast I am growing.

We are already forming a very good bond and even when I am in my crate Slice tries to sleep beside me. If I can't sleep by Slice I am okay with findign another canine pal who will let me sleep with them. Today it was Bailey. She is learnign to be very patient with me and realises that I am a real dog!

That is all I know for sure this week. Talk to you soon.

Monday, August 24, 2009

A day in the life

Life as me "Pint" is a good deal. I cannot believe how much fun and full my days are. Since my mother's first post, we have talked and I have decided that I will be writign my own posts. I am a big boy and can tell my own stories and post pictures that I like. Now that we have that cleared up, let's begin...
Monday to Friday are days are pretty much the same, something called going to work and routine. We get up at 5:00 am and race outside to the bathroom. I have to sleep in a crate which I don't think is fair at all but apparently that is the way it is. Anyway, once outside we all do our business and then I just follow what Slice and Porter are doing and race back to the door to wait. Apparently, when the door opens again we get breakfast. Woo hoo!!! While we eat breakfast mom has a shower and gets ready for work. We are then off to work which involves getting in the car for a quick ride.
Once we get to the shop it is kind of boring to be honest. In the early part of the day I get passed to about 10 different people each mornign for cuddles and kisses. That part is pretty cool. When that is over I have to go in a crate while my mother is working. Playing with other people's dogs is hardly what I call working but that is what she says. At 11:00 all the dogs go to sleep and I get to come out for a potty break and some play time with Slice. I have a small collection of new toys that we lay with and always find time to wrestle.

I like to sleep lots during the day until we go home at 6:00. Mom says it is because I am growing. Getting home is very exciting as there is more food! Now that mother has found kibble that I like I get very silly for dinner time. When allk the bowls are cleaned up, Slice and I start are race track training. This daily exercise involves 25 laps around the kitchen and front room. When Slice feels me catching up to her she detours and jumps up on the couch. Cheater. I know I can beat her. Somedays for entertainment, Porter will lay in our track so we have to jump over him. Truth be told, Slice sails over him and I run over his paws. a few more weeks and I can go over the top too.

Mom keeps telling are her friends that the best part of my playing with Slice is that I am sacked out by the time I go to bed and I sleep through the night. Really, I am not tired I am growing.

We tried to get a new family photo while before I started to grow too much. Porter takes really good care of me and lets me nestle between his front legs when I am sleepy so that nothing can sneak up on me. From what I hear he did this with Slice too. So when I was ready to asume the "position" Slice hopped in and we snapped this photo. Porter's ear aren't up because he is keeping an eye on my cousin Bobbi while she was running around the yard chasing balls. Like I said he looks out for me.

So once Friday is over our routine changes a bit. Often we will be off doing agility somewhere. I went on my first road trip this past weekend to Saskatoon. It was a big weekend for Porter and mom was very proud of him. My guess is I have so pretty big shoes to fill when I get older. Because I am so young I had to stay in my pen by my mom while she did the scorekeeping for the trial. It was a pretty sweet deal. I had a nice pad all set up and Cassie to sit and play with me. We spent lots of time playing with my new toys and sleeping. Cassie was beside herself with joy that she got to help look after me. She used to play with Slice all the time but now that she is playing agility she doesn't have time for Cassie anymore. Kind of sad. Glad I could cheer the young girl up and give her a job.

Well that about sums it up folks. A day in the life of Pint.
Stay tuned for my 9 week pictures, apparently I have grown.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome Baby Pint

It has been two years since Slice came into my home and turned our world upside down with her crazy small girl attitude. We were blown away by what a "big" dog she became. She is so much fun that I decided to add another Papillon to the house.

Pint is another Tollegend Papillon and is a "brother" relation to Slice. We (me and the two dogs) have been waiting for mom, Bizzie to have her babies so we would know what we were getting. On June 24th, Pint was the first pup out of the chute and was born in the car on the way to the clinic. That's got to be a good sign right.

On July 14th at the tender age of 7 weeks, Pint was picked to come to our house. Bizzie was quite worried when she saw her baby leaving the house and Auntie Penny was a little sad to see her first pup go to its new home. With the promise to keep her updated with photos and regular visits we were heading out on the highway back to Edmonton.

His first day with the family was identical to Slice's...we went to an agility trial. Fortunately, the weather was nice enough that he could be in his crate outside enjoying the fresh air. He met lots of new people and charmed the socks off all of them! The day went a little long so we had to borrow some food. Rather than waiting for the food to get in the dish, Pint decided jumping in the bag would be way more productive.

The next day was a day for meeting the family. We started with the niece and nephews who were just bursting with excitement to meet the wee one.

We had an evening BBQ with the canine cousins but Pint was way too tired to be social so he snuggled down and slept like a baby.
My biggest concern with adding Pint, a male puppy, to the house, was how Porter would react. He was so good with Slice that I really hoped that same would be true with Pint. Well it would appear that Pint is very quickly winning Porter over and he will have an awesome big brother to depend on. Slice is also turning out to be a fabulous big sister and is overjoyed with the opportunity to have a playmate her size.

Pint is now 8 weeks old and we have started with our puppy training of skills and behaviours. First lesson, learnign his name. Going very well. When he hears his name he whips his head up and looks for where I am and once he sees me he comes running. It is just so cute! Next lesson, playing with balls. I got a whole bucket of balls out for him and we just played with all of them. It was so much fun! When I tried to put them away he decided he should just help himself. Good Boy!

This weekend we are off on a road trip to Saskatoon for an agility trial. So far, Pint just adapts to whatever environment I put him in. More updates to follow weekly as he grows.