Over the past week I have sucked a
like that I squirm around so much.
My mom keeps saying small minds are amused by small things, she always says that when I am playing in my favorite spot in the office. There is this little basket of "stuff" that I find great amusement in. I don't chew anything in it just roll around on the crinkly newspaper. Seems fun to me.
Before my vet appointment yesterday, mom caught us all sleeping together on Porter's bed. Don't we make a cute family?
I wasn't feeling so good after my vaccinations yesterday but feel much better today. Uncle Sully came for a visit when dropping Indi off at the daycare. Slice gets so excited when he comes that I got in on the action today too. At first I was a little cautious but soon followed the leader and played tug with his leash and participated in the eye ball cleaning ritual. Poor Sully. Good times for me!
Okay busy weekend of doing nothing coming up. We will see what photos we can snap to keep you entertained.
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