Today is my 10 week birthday and boy has it been a busy week to get here!
Now that I have more co-ordination my racing around and wrestling techniques are being perfected! I think I have that Slice all figured out too. She likes to taunt me with her toys and chewies and then when I try to take them or tug with her she growls at me and jumps up on the couch where I can't go. It is so funny because I fall for her trick and then mom takes Slice's toy away for not being very nice. Something must be working because we played tug for almost an hour the other day. As long as Slice doesn't have to share anything she loves me and we play for hours and hours.
So life was moving along smoothly and I was really enjoying the nice weather and running in the yard with Slice. THere is lots of room to open up and go wild. The other day Porter decided he would play with us too. Mom pulled me out so Slice and Porter could play and we were playing with a ball. I was bringing the ball back when I got distracted and wandered into the running path. Porter tried to jump over me to avoid trampling me but he misjudged his take off and stepped on my paw with his toes. As you can imagine I let out an aweful howling scream. After a visit to the vet, an x-ray and some vet wrap I am back in business. Dr. Kim, Dr. Joel and Dr. Kathy said I was a very good patient for such a young lad. When all the bandaging was done the girls in the clinic showered me with kisses and hugs and mom stuffed me full of treats. Really it isn't that bad but the attention was awesome! The prognosis is good and I will be free as a bird in a week. In the mean time, I am now know as Captain Pint, Peg Leg Pint or Captain Peg Leg depending on who you are talking to. I don't have to wear the cone all the time just when no one is watching as I like to

As you can see from the photos I am getting around really good. I have even adapted to using my
Sleeping isn't as bad as it looks. The air collar makes quite a ni
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