I spent the weekend at an agility trial with the family and had a sleepover at my new friend, Glide's house. I was a little shocked when we walked into the barn with all the smells and people but I quickly recovered and realized there would probably be lots of visiting and treats while I was there. I was very good and cheering for Porter and Slice when it was their turn to run. Apparently, cheering from your crate at the top of your lungs is not a good idea. Oops...
The new list of things I have learned this week...
1) Going up more than three stairs
2) Going down stairs carefully (thanks Glide)
3) Jumping onto the couch (no hiding place for Slice anymore)
4) Jumping off the couch is bad
5) "Go" and "out" in agility training is up to 8 feet
6) Surfing on the teeter is way more fun now
7) Don't swallow your chewie whole, it gets stuck in your throat and your mother screams.
Wow - has he ever grown! Such a cutie!