Life as me "Pint" is a good deal. I cannot believe how much fun and full my days are. Since my mother's first post, we have talked and I have decided that I will be writign my own posts. I am a big boy and can tell my own stories and post pictures that I like. Now that we have that cleared up, let's begin...
Monday to Friday are days are pretty much the same, something called going to work and routine. We get up at 5:00 am and race outside to the bathroom. I have to sleep in a crate which I don't think is fair at all but apparently that is the way it is. Anyway, once outside we all do our business and then I just follow what Slice and Porter are doing and race back to the door to wait. Apparently, when the door opens again we get breakfast. Woo hoo!!! While we eat breakfast mom has a shower and gets ready for work. We are then off to work which involves getting in the car for a quick ride.
Once we get to the shop it is kind of boring to be honest. In the early part of the day I get passed to about 10 different people each mornign for cuddles and kisses. That part is pretty cool. When that is over I have to go in a crate while my mother is working. Playing with other people's dogs is hardly what I call working but that is what she says. At 11:00 all the dogs go to sleep and I get to come out for a potty break and some play time with Slice. I have a small collection of new toys that we lay with and always find time to wrestle.
I like to sleep lots during the day until we go home at 6:00. Mom says it is because I am growing. Getting home is very exciting as there is more food! Now that mother has found kibble that I like I get very silly for dinner time. When allk the bowls are cleaned up, Slice and I start are race track training. This daily exercise involves 25 laps around the kitchen and front room. When Slice feels me catching up to her she detours and jumps up on the couch. Cheater. I know I can beat her. Somedays for entertainment, Porter will lay in our track so we have to jump over him. Truth be told, Slice sails over him and I run over his paws. a few more weeks and I can go over the top too.
Mom keeps telling are her friends that the best part of my playing with Slice is that I am sacked out by the time I go to bed and I sleep through the night. Really, I am not tired I am growing.
We tried to get a new family photo while before I started to grow too much. Porter takes really good care of me and lets me nestle between his front legs when I am sleepy so that nothing can sneak up on me. From what I hear he did this with Slice too. So when I was ready to asume the "position" Slice hopped in and we snapped this photo. Porter's ear aren't up because he is keeping an eye on my cousin Bobbi while she was running around the yard chasing balls. Like I said he looks out for me.

So once Friday is over our routine changes a bit. Often we will be off doing agility somewhere. I went on my first road trip this past weekend to Saskatoon. It was a big weekend for Porter and mom was very proud of him. My guess is I have so pretty big shoes to fill when I get older. Because I am so young I had to stay in my pen by my mom while she did the scorekeeping for the trial. It was a pretty sweet deal. I had a nice pad all set up and Cassie to sit and play with me. We spent lots of time playing with my new toys and sleeping. Cassie was beside herself with joy that she got to help look after me. She used to play with Slice all the time but now that she is playing agility she doesn't have time for Cassie anymore. Kind of sad. Glad I could cheer the young girl up and give her a job.

Well that about sums it up folks. A day in the life of Pint.
Stay tuned for my 9 week pictures, apparently I have grown.